I think everyone that has met me knows, how attached I get with the people that I meet during my life. A couple of years ago, I met this wonderful couple. I did their engagement, bridal and of course one of the most important day of their life, their wedding. I love this couple, sometimes I feel like I have known them all my life, they are not my clients, but they are my friends. A few months ago, I went to capture the precious moment of Sam’s sister Sandy’s Maternity and then their baby shower. Grecia was there and she said that when she gets pregnant, she was going to call me so I can take pictures of her, of course, I say YES.

A couple of months ago, I was at my full-time job and my phone started ringing, I started laughing when I saw Grecia’s name on my phone and I said very loud OMG!! she is pregnant. After a couple of minutes talking to Grecia she finally asks me if I can take pictures of her family, I said absolutely, but with one condition, not to post any pictures of them because nobody knew they were expecting. I got so excited, that I was one of the first people to know she was pregnant. It was an honor to capture this other important moment of their life. Thank you, Sam and Grecia for letting me be part of your lives.
